Milk is considered a wholesome food. It is a rich source of calcium, minerals, vitamins and proteins. The products derived from milk are known as milk products. For better health and strong immune system, consumption of milk is quite essential. However, there are many people who are allergic to these products.

Some of the Common Dairy Products

Most of the people include milk and its products in their daily diet. Some of the most commonly used products are as follows:

  • Cheese: Cheese is one of the most delicious by product of milk. It is nutritious and is considered rich in protein and minerals. It is a healthy food and is a rich source of calcium. It is used for preparing sandwiches, pizzas and other delicious food items.
  • Butter: Butter is a commonly used food item in most of the households. Delicious and creamy butter is prepared from buttermilk which is also a by product of milk.
  • Ghee: Another most commonly used product of milk is pure ghee. Ghee is used for preparing various sweet dishes and has excellent medicinal value for many ailments.
  • Curd: Curd is one of the most widely used milk products in the world. Cure made from pure cow’s milk is another rich source of calcium and minerals.
  • Skimmed milk: Skimmed milk is produced by removing the cream from the milk. It can be consumed by people who are suffering from heart diseases and obesity. Skimmed milk is fat free and can be consumed by people of all ages.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4768676


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