Does jogging for weight loss really work? Most health experts feel jogging is one of the most effective weight loss remedies available. Individuals that regularly jog experience an array of physical, mental, emotional and health benefits. This enables them to curb anxiety, stress and depression.

Many people fear jogging for a long period of time. They believe that jogging contributes to the damage of hip, knee and ankle joint. Although this is true this risks can simply be minimized by use of the required sporting shoes they should be of high quality. This can also be avoided via the use of a viable and realistic jogging schedule to avoid overworking and stretching joint ligaments.

Jogging is estimated to burn up about 10 calories every minute therefore it is very effective for weight loss. It also improves the respiratory system of an individual and enhances blood circulation. This boosts the digestive and metabolism system. Moreover, because of the lifestyle that is currently practiced many individuals suffer from a plethora of digestive problems such as bloated stomachs. Regular jogging helps to alleviate these problems.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5821058


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